Build health and well being amongst the most valuable assets in your workplace.

More and more people are recognizing the importance of taking care of their health and wellbeing in their daily life. The workplace is no exception, as employees spend a significant portion of their day at work.

Employers who prioritize workplace wellbeing have been found to benefit in numerous ways. In addition to having more productive and engaged employees, they also experience reduced absenteeism, increased employee retention rates, and an improved overall workplace culture.

Moreover, creating a supportive work environment promotes a sense of community and belonging among employees, which can lead to increased job satisfaction.

Happy, healthy people make for an engaged and energised workforce, which is the driving force of any successful organisation.

Book a corporate class

I offer corporate Yoga classes in Northamptonshire, East Anglian and South East regions, between the hours of 7.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Thursday, and 7.30am to 1.00pm on Fridays.

For specific availability, and to design a package best suited to your team, make an enquiry here and I'll respond as soon as possible.

Corporate Yoga builds healthier teams

  • improves focus and concentration

  • equips people with the tools to manage stress and anxiety

  • improves general fitness and wellbeing

  • aids relaxation and improves sleep quality

  • improves mobility, flexibility and posture

  • counteracts the physical effects of a desk-based job

Yoga can be practiced in any work place, small or large corporate offices, residential homes, in dedicated spaces or indeed at a desk, in a chair.  Classes can be run before the day starts, lunchtime or indeed at the end of the day. Each class can be individually designed for the audience and time of day.

A simple and effective way to promote physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace. It involves practicing Yoga Asanas and breathwork in the office, usually before work, during lunch or other breaks. Yoga is known to reduce stress and increase productivity, which makes it an ideal activity for employees who spend long hours sitting at their desks.

Duration: 45 mins to 90 mins (flexible)

Teacher: RYT Accredited yoga teacher. Fully insured.

Requirements: An area to have your group of people with 2m by 1m space each for them. Mats (you can hire from us or supply your own – to be agreed on booking).

Office Yoga classes

Discover the power of Chair Yoga

As the name suggests, this is Yoga practiced in or standing next to your chair. The class teaches team members to be able to access the benefits of Yoga at their desk, in a chair in breakout areas. Mindful Asanas, breathing and stretching are great tools for your team to be able to keep themselves healthier and happier. In a residential setting it allows the residents and the carers to join in an activity together, improving their connection, encouraging conversation.

Duration: 45 mins to 90 mins [flexible]

Teacher: Yoga Alliance RYT Accredited Yoga teacher. Fully insured.

Requirements: A big enough area to accommodate the group of participants with chairs.